HamsterTracker™ Side Projects:

HOWTO: Hook up a Logitech Express camera to a camera-tripod using simply cable ties.
© Copyright 2005, Peacoque Labs

Fun with cable ties; the less than € 0,09 camera mount

Besides having fun with Lucy i've also been doing some little invention stuff.
Frequent readers may know that I've recently got a Logitech Quickcam Express camera as Webcam no. 5.

Sadly this camera doesn't have a standard camera mount. I am not really satisfied with the supplied camera-'foot' because it doesn't give much flexability when setting up the camera.

Picture of Logitech Webcam Express's underside. Detail picture of Logitech Webcam Express's underside.

The camera is upside-down in this picture

I'd bought a 100 cable ties (€2.20 (That's a whopping 2.2 €-cents per cable-tie!)) a few weeks earlier, as being an always good investment. Having this (I dared myself) and also bought a micro-tripod last weekend.

I have always enjoyed playing around with cable ties because they have such divergent use capabilities: So here's what I came up with this time: whilst playing around:

Picture of my cable tie invention!

4 cable ties, hold the camera on the (€ 4.99) tripod. [The nut, I found in somewhere, doesn't really fit (at least it holds the cable tie down!). This costs (therefore) € 0.00]

Picture of my cable tie invention!

And another view... Although it doesn't have the looks (yet), it is very functional indeed!

It was quite a challenge to make; it's like a complicated 3D puzzle, which tie to set first, second etc...
I am quite pleased with the result, but I hope I can do better!

Picture of my cable tie invention!

Ofcourse I need to cut off the excess cable-tie material in the final design!

Total cost: € 4.99 + ( 4 * 0.022 ) = € 4.99 + 0.088 = € 5.08 (rounded)

Ofcourse this is the first prototype; so costs could run up an extra (5 x € 0.022 = € 0.11); 'cause I am planning to use one more cable tie in the final design!

© Copyright 2005, Peacoque Labs © Copyright 2005, Peacoque Labs

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ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw