Giving my hamster Lucy (3.0) a pat on the back My hamster Lucy (5.0) tracked with HamsterTracker™
Powered by Peacoque Labs, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Created by Mathijs van der Paauw
- Online since September 5th, 2004 -
RSS 2.0    Hamstertracker™ Rss Stream        Lucy on Twitter Lucy's Tweets               
It is really doing what it has been designed to do; Tracking my hamster Lucy!
Monday, August 8, 2011 Day 602 + 102 current treadmill total: 376,395.47 meters! (18:35 CET)

We're getting closer to the real thing!!!

to Lucy's College Fund,
and Pine-Seed supply

I am the (proud) Author of:

"Happy Hamster": A step by step guide on how to prepare delicious meals for your hamster.

Featuring never published, book-exclusive recipes:

You can find more details/order "Happy Hamster" at Amazon
or from my publisher
Chronicle Books.

to have
been blogged by:
september 12, 2011
august 22, 2010
march 15, 2010
october 25, 2009
june 30, 2009
october 27, 2008
march 3, 2008
december 3, 2007
october 4, 2007
june 28, 2007
april 27, 2007
january 9, 2007
august 24, 2006
july 27, 2006
june 20, 2006
may 10, 2006
march 29, 2006
march 12, 2006

LA Weekly logo
january 25, 2011

september 22, 2010

'Keeping count of how many metres pampered rodent Lucy clocks up on her lickle treadmill.' -
january 31, 2009

Picked by Yahoo! Picks
'My Hamster Lucy - Mathijs van der Paauw has transformed his pet rodent into one of the Web's most unlikely stars.' - Yahoo! Picks Profile, october 26, 2007

october 26, 2007 the news site in Dutch
june 20, 2006

My Yahoo!
Inside My Yahoo!: Meet Lucy. The most precisely measured, colorfully charted, and odorably photographed hamster on the Internet.

may 23, 2006
june 19, 2006
august 25, 2005

Hi HamsterTracker™-visitors; Remember me?

Thank you for all your emails, Guestbook reactions as well as all the support! To take away all concerns: I AM VERY HEALTHY. I did suffer an (nasty) pneumonia! It was when I was (slowly) starting to recover (intense fever went down), when Lucy4.0 died...

After Lucy 4.0 ... not quite the real thing!
" This is not quite the real thing !!! " - Mathijs

Fortunatly I fully recovered! While at work I was working on a very exciting project (taking up quite a lot of my spare time)... I had a strict deadline... Which I've (fortunately as well as) succesfully met!!! I can't share much more information right now other than that is has got to do with (for me) new technologies and stuff. I will share more details in the future (for the interested). Also I hope to apply these awesome technologies to Not making promisses on the short term, because something BIGGER is coming.

After Lucy 4.0 ... not quite the real thing!
" I even got some 'encouragement' cards (Thank You, BTW! :-) " - Mathijs

Here's the good stuff:

I've made arrangements with the "Pets Place" store (where I got Lucy4.0) about two weeks ago:

Pets Place in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
" This picture was shot on the day I picked up Lucy4.0. "

They're going to call me, the day before... they expect a new batch of hamsters!!! This way I can pick up Lucy5.0 the same day!!!

Pretty cool isn't it? The hard thing is waiting... Now being holiday season in the Netherlands, I unfortunately can't predict when.

"Hope to announce 'her cute little fluffieness' soon! " - Mathijs

Thursday, June 19, 2011 Day 602 + 52 current treadmill total: 376,395.47 meters! (21:05 CET)

A sign of life from!

This has been my longest offline break ever! The time was/is used to tackle some interesting personal/business related issues and projects.
At work I've been working on a very interesting project which does take up quite some of my spare time. A good investment I suppose the technology (amoungst other things) learned can be applied to HamsterTracker™ in the future.
I've also experienced some health issues, which I am fortunate to assign as being in the past, fortunately!

I DO MISS A HAMSTER, though... I've been photographing a little (due to all described above).

Allow me to share:

After Lucy 4.0 ...
" Everything is gettin' ready for Lucy5.0 !!! " - Mathijs

After Lucy 4.0 ...
" Treats are there for Lucy5.0 !!! " - Mathijs

After Lucy 4.0 ...
" Although I have been shooting some photographs,
which was fun,
although it's nothing like photographing your hamster
" - Mathijs

After Lucy 4.0 ...
" Although it's fun to photograph a Fruit-Fly,
It's still feels very (hamster-) empty...
" - Mathijs

So I've been trying to take my mind off,
by doing little projects, like the following;

(more) Wild Life in and around
the HamsterTracker™-Head Quarters:

HamsterTracker(tm)-Wild Life around the office; Fly
" Found inside the HamsterTracker™-Office;
after this photograph,
it bugged me quite a while... ;-)
" - Mathijs

HamsterTracker(tm)-Wild Life around the office; Another Fly
" This fly I found outside,
in the 'General Green Stuff Area'...
Pretty cool the detail it exposes.
Pretty hard to photograph too, with movement of the wind...
" - Mathijs

HamsterTracker(tm)-Wild Life around the office; Bumble Bee
" Your humble Bumble Bee!
This is the most in focus photograph of the ten I made;
they NEVER sit still for long ...
" - Mathijs

I will adopt Lucy 5.0 soon!

Unfortunately I can't really tell when.
I am working on it; hoping to welcome Lucy5.0 within a couple of weeks, soon!

Sunday, May 8, 2011 Day 602 + 10 current treadmill total: 376,395.47 meters! (21:05 CET)

Lucy 4.0 (final) statistics:

I know there are some regular visitors that do not really like it when I post Lucys latest statistical graphs. Please keep in mind that this was the primary intention in starting

I was lagging a bit behind in entering Lucys Statistical data in a spreadsheet. This on average took me an hour to enter a months worth of data (with the additional checks etc.). The last time I posted Lucys graphs was 8 months ago! 8 times 1 hour = 8 hours of entry work ahead. I then decided on writing some software to collect (and check) this data automatically. After only two hours of coding, I got 8 months of data. One hour of checking and tweaking later; the graphs where set to go.
Saving me 8 - (2 + 1) = 8 - 3 = 5 hours of work!

It then took another three and a half hours of generating all graphs (of Lucy4.0, Lucy3.0 and Lucy2.0 the same size. I probably blew the software development budget to the max, by allowing you to switch the graph thereby making easy comparison by hamster.

First allow me to present a 'management summary':

Lucys Management Summary Overview:

Lucys Total Distance Management Overview.
"Lucy 4.0 didn't live long as you can see... " - Mathijs

Lucys Water Consumption Management Overview.
"Here an overview of water consumption, see below for more detail. " - Mathijs

Use the buttons, to select the appropriate Lucy:

Lucy 4.0 Treadmill Time Graph

Lucys Treadmill Time Statistics year 1.
Lucys Treadmill Time Statistics year 2.

Lucy 4.0 Treadmill Statistics Graph

Lucys Treadmill Statistics year 1.
Lucys Treadmill Statistics year 2.

Lucy 4.0 Water Consumption Graph

Lucys Water Consumption year 1.

Lucys Water Consumption year 2.

" I still miss you, miss Lucy... " - Mathijs

Friday, May 6, 2011 Day 602 + 8 current treadmill total: 376,395.47 meters! (19:55 CET)

Lucy's Mansion Cleanup

It is hard to say goodbye...
Whenever I looked at Lucy's Mansion, I got that feeling:

Lucy's Mansion Cleanup ...
" This is a total mess... " - Mathijs

Therefore I started cleaning:

Lucy's Mansion Cleanup ...
" Nice, Isn't it? " - Mathijs

Lucy's Mansion Cleanup ...
" Everything is gettin' ready for Lucy5.0 !!! " - Mathijs

Lucy's Mansion Cleanup ...
" Although I am not really sure, WHEN ... " - Mathijs

Lucy5.0 will come, question is when ? ! ? !

Saturday, April 30, 2011 Day 602 + 2 current treadmill total: 376,395.47 meters! (13:50 CET)

Lucy's Burial

This happened yesterday.
I was too upset afterwards to blog about this then:

Lucy 4.0 Burial ...
" Although I dug a square shaped hole,
I do think I see a coincidental heartshape ...
" - Mathijs

Lucy 4.0 Burial ...
" Continue sleeping, Lucy ! " - Mathijs

Lucy 4.0 Burial ...
" Because I was crying, I had set my camera in automatic mode... " - Mathijs

Lucy 4.0 Burial ...

Lucy 4.0 Burial ...
" This was the hardest part ! " - Mathijs

I miss you, little Missy! ...

Thursday, April 28, 2011 Day 602 current treadmill total: 376,395.47 meters! (20:55 CET)

Lucy 4.0 has passed way today!

Moments ago I discovered that Lucy passed away.
This morning I gave her her last treat...

Sorry, but I can't say much more right now:

Lucy 4.0 passed away today...
" Looks like she died peacefully in her sleep... " - Mathijs

Lucy 4.0 passed away today...
" ... " - Mathijs

I am still speechless...

You will be missed Lucy!

Sunday, April 10, 2011 Day 584 current treadmill total: 376,390.12 meters! (13:35 CET)

Hardware Troubles for both Lucy and me!

We probably all have experienced weeks like these:

Hardware Troubles for both Lucy and me!
" Dude ... We NEED to talk about the state of the Explorer Ball ! " - Lucy

Hardware Troubles for both Lucy and me!
" It's TERRIBLE!!! " - Lucy

I agree, dear Lucy, there's way too much tape on there!

So I bought a new (shiny) one:

Hardware Troubles for both Lucy and me!
" It is a nice one, isn't it ? " - Mathijs

Hardware Troubles for both Lucy and me!
" That's AWESOME, Dude!
Let me in, let me in ... !
" - Lucy

Meanwhile, I was experiencing HamsterTracker™-Hardware troubles myself!

The SSD drive has failed on me (AGAIN) ! Athough this was a replacement since the first one totally died after a year (or so) of service. The new one is failing on me as well. After restoring a backup, the system failed again within 24 hours. Resulting in a gazillion 'lost chains' errors upon boot; finally failing to boot at all. Using the webcam page I could see that the system crashed at 02:14:00 (something).
So I installed a spare Harddisk and restored the last backup.

Although the system is much noisier as well as increased energy consumption, it IS running stable now for 48 hours! It even survived a reboot without 'lost chains' errors !

Hardware Troubles for both Lucy and me!
" An overview of my kludge ... " - Mathijs

Hardware Troubles for both Lucy and me!
" This is the responsible drive that FAILED ! " - Mathijs

Hardware Troubles for both Lucy and me!
" Here's my temporary fix for the new boot drive ... " - Mathijs

Hardware Troubles for both Lucy and me!
" Are we back online, Dude ? " - Lucy

Fortunately, we ARE back online again, dear Lucy!

Sunday, March 20, 2011 Day 563 current treadmill total: 376,257.62 meters! (12:40 CET)

Busy Lucy ...

Lucy is a very busy hamster lady:

Busy Lucy ...
" When Lucy isn't cleaning her bedroom ... " - Mathijs

Busy Lucy ...
" Or when Lucy isn't rearanging her pantry ... " - Mathijs

She charms me ...

Into ...

Busy Lucy ...
" Howz about some Treats, Dude ? " - Lucy

So I grabbed a 'yoghurt-drop' from a jar.
A familliar sound for Lucy ...

Busy Lucy ...
" I am waiting ... " - Lucy

Busy Lucy ...
" Thanks, Dude ...
That's just what I needed...
" - Lucy

(Micro-) seconds later:

Busy Lucy ...
" Any more where that came from, Dude? " - Lucy

Busy Lucy ...
" I promise, I'll be good !!! " - Lucy

Who can resist, such a plea ?

Busy Lucy ...
" Thanks, Dude, I think I got it... " - Lucy

Sunday, March 13, 2011 Day 556 current treadmill total: 376,095.53 meters! (15:15 CET)

Spring Time at!

It's been a while since you've had a sign of life from HamsterTracker™...
We have not been sitting still, although sometimes we have:

Spring Time at!
" Let's start cleaning, Dude! " - Lucy

We have been experiencing a lot of 'couch-quality time',
unfortunately I didn't get the focus right in the above picture:

Therefore: Camera (Focus) Training Time:
(while cleaning and such ...)

Spring Time at!
" Using Macro-lens; here's some of Lucy's food supply ... " - Mathijs

Spring Time at!
" Lucy's cleaned bedroom is nice ... " - Mathijs

Spring Time @ HamsterTracker™!

HamsterTracker™-Regulars know that I blog these Dafodills every year as soon as they open:

Spring Time at!
" They're early this year...
Almost a new RECORD!
" - Mathijs

Here's the data I've collected on them:

Year Blossom Date
2011 March 11
2010 March 21
2009 March 14
2008 February 22
2007 March 13
2006 April 2

Spring Time at!
" No. 6 is yet to blossom! " - Mathijs

I love spring time!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011 Day 541 current treadmill total: 375,751.28 meters! (14:10 CET)

When Lucy Asks ... She Gets!

Her royal higness Lucy4.0 at her best:

When Lucy Asks, She Gets!
" I did notice that Lucy's bedroom was in need of a clean ... " - Mathijs

After Lucy was awake, it didn't take long ...

When Lucy Asks, She Gets!
" Dude, the bedroom is a mess!!!
Where's the HamsterTracker™-Cleaning Dept ???
I haven't seen them for DAAAAAYS ...
" - Lucy

I explained that the HamsterTracker™-Cleaning Dept. was (again) out on a field day...

When Lucy Asks, She Gets!
" I am serious, Dude, this is outrageous, isn't it? " - Lucy

So, again, I had to do a full cage-clean service, myself... :-)

When Lucy Asks, She Gets!
" Here's the final result! " - Mathijs

When Lucy Asks, She Gets!
" Fresh: Bedroom - check
Pantry - check
Bedding - check
Bathroom - check
Water - check
Pillow treats - check
Food & Other treats - check
Hamster - ...
" - Mathijs

Lucy was running in her Explorer Ball when I all did this.

When Lucy Asks, She Gets!
" After Lucy returned she started pouchin' immediately... " - Mathijs

When Lucy Asks, She Gets!
" Nicely done, Dude ! " - Lucy

When Lucy Asks, She Gets!
" Do you want to share a peanut ? " - Lucy

Lucy spent a lot of time rearanging her stuff.
It's funny to notice that she never swiched her Pantry & Bedroom.
( Mental note: This might be a nice experiment, next time )

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Day 531 current treadmill total: 375,300.44 meters! (18:55 CET)

Happy Hamster Cookin' by Beth ...

" I used to follow Hamster Tracker but when i got a new computer it wasn't in my favorites anymore
and I kinda forgot to....luckily my brother recently sent me "Happy Hamster"
so I decided to make my 2 dwarf hamsters (Woodchip and Lily, theyre siblings)

a 3 course Valentine's day dinner!
" - Beth

Happy Hamster Cookin' by Beth.
"I didn't follow the recipes exactly but I mixed and matched and think they had a great dinner! " - Beth

Happy Hamster Cookin' by Beth.
"From left to right:
  • Appetizer: Cheesy Apple Bites (pretty much straight from the book)
  • Main Course: Pasta in a Carrot Bowl (Carrot Bowl, pasta, orange pepper, tofu, broccoli)
  • Dessert: Strawberry Banana Parfait (Banana Bowl, yogurt, strawberry, walnut) " - Beth

Happy Hamster Cookin' by Beth.
"Meet Woodchip ... " - Beth

Happy Hamster Cookin' by Beth.
"Meet Lily ... " - Beth

Happy Hamster Cookin' by Beth.
"Woodchip's Main course, " - Beth

Happy Hamster Cookin' by Beth.
"Lily's Main course " - Beth

Happy Hamster Cookin' by Beth.
"Woodchip's Dessert, " - Beth

Happy Hamster Cookin' by Beth.
"and Lily's Dessert... " - Beth

You've done an Excellent job, dear Beth!

Your modifications and recipe excecution is : Excellent!
Photography : Excellent!
Cuteness of Woodchip & Lily : Excellent!
Hamster Enjoyment : Excellent!

Thank you for sharing dear Beth!
as well as a HUGE BIG welcome to the ever growing HamsterTracker™-Family

Lucy will probably now demand "three course meals" too ...

Happy (belated) Valentines!

( 2 Evry-1 ! )

Sunday, February 6, 2011 Day 521 current treadmill total: 375,130.78 meters! (14:50 CET)

Photographing (Lucy) fun...

I've been enjoying my new camera a lot.
The Manual settings of a DLSR-camera are fun although they can be challenging.

(Tip; shoot a photograph in Automatic mode:
Copy the settings in Manual mode,
Then start Experimenting

Photograph experiment of Lucy's quarters.
"This photograph is Lucy's quarters,
as it's seen with the webcam light on as well as the rest of the room darkned,
it's fun playing around with (little) light this way:
" - Mathijs

After Lucy spent some time running around in her ball,
(the time I used to configure my camera for a serious Lucy photo-shoot),
It took some persuasion for Lucy to agree with this shoot:

Photographing the star of miss. Lucy!
" Why aren't you facing the camera, dear Lucy ? " - Mathijs

Photographing the star of miss. Lucy!
" It's because I've got my 'Pouch Full', can't pose like phhat .... " - Lucy

Lucy is so well manered...

I wonder where she gets it from ... ;-)

Saturday, January 29, 2011 Day 513 current treadmill total: 375,038.41 meters! (17:25 CET)

Xtreme HamsterTrackin' South Africa by Toni

The following entry by Toni and his Lucy was submitted quite some days ago,
therefore we FINALLY are proud to present:
Toni's and his Lucy's Xtreme HamsterTrackin' report:

Extreme HamsterTrackin' South Africa
Extreme HamsterTracking South Africa by Toni and his hamster Lucy.
"Great setup, Toni ! " - Mathijs

Extreme HamsterTrackin' South Africa
Extreme HamsterTracking South Africa by Toni and his hamster Lucy.
"Lucy 2.0 is so adorable,
you guys look like you have alot of fun I recently got a hamster and she reminded
me of Lucy so thats what I named her!
" - Toni

Extreme HamsterTrackin' South Africa
Extreme HamsterTracking South Africa by Toni and his hamster Lucy.
"Toni's Lucy is a dwarf hamster;
therefore this meeting with Lucy4.0 is slightly intimidating!
" - Mathijs

Extreme HamsterTrackin' South Africa
Extreme HamsterTracking South Africa by Toni and his hamster Lucy.
"Smells great, Toni-Dude ! " - Toni's Lucy

Extreme HamsterTrackin' South Africa
Extreme HamsterTracking South Africa by Toni and his hamster Lucy.
"Here is Lucy up close! " - Toni

Xtreme HamsterTracker™-Shouts back to you Toni and Lucy

"Please keep us posted! " - Mathijs

Extreme HamsterTrackin' South Africa
Extreme HamsterTracking South Africa by Toni and his hamster Lucy.
"Where are the Pine-Seeds ... " - (Toni's) Lucy

Exreme HamsterTracker™-Shouts to Toni ( & Lucy ) !!!

Another report Excellently excecuted!
Thank you for reporting in,
from yet uncovered territory;
I will be adding a 'South Africa' page any time soon!

More EXtreme HamsterTrackin' info:

Experience Global Extreme HamsterTrackin'.
Download your FREE Do It Yourself Extreme HamsterTrackin' kit and submit  your entry, TODAY!

Saturday, January 16, 2011 Day 500 current treadmill total: 374,705.31 meters! (22:30 CET)

We've got a WINNER!!!

Remember our free Happy Hamster (exclusively packaged) give a way ???
Here's our first winner:

Ashlee & two of her rats, Harley Quinn and Cassiopeia!

Happy Hamster book give a way winner!
" I live Vancouver, Washington (United States) with my husband and our four rodent babies.
We have rats and I know they love to eat delicious food as much as a hamster does.
I would love to make little delicacies for my rats using Mathijs's book.
" - Ashlee

Lucy got all enthousiastic:

Lucy's reaction on the Happy Hamster book give a way winner.
" That's awesome Ash! " - Lucy

Lucy's reaction on the Happy Hamster book give a way winner.
" Your hamsters look different ... " - Lucy

That's because they're rats, Lucy!

Lucy's reaction on the Happy Hamster book give a way winner.
" Ahh, now I see!
Great goin' Ashlee, Haley Quinn & Cassiopeia !
" - Lucy

Congratulations, the book is (as you already know,) on your way...

You can still send in: Extended deadline!

Thursday, January 6, 2011 Day 490 current treadmill total: 374,482.71 meters! (20:35 CET)

Mansion Expansion for Lucy

Starting this new year on a good foot, I gave Lucy's bedroom a good clean (again):

Mansion Expansion for Lucy!
" Toilet-Paper shreddings as well as a
'Pillow-Treat'... (= dried banana for Hamsters)
" - Mathijs

Mansion Expansion for Lucy!
" I added a second bedroom as well as extra bedding for Lucy... " - Mathijs

After Lucy entered, she immediately started to decorate her usual bedroom.
Here's two days after:

Mansion Expansion for Lucy!
" Lucy 'fluffed' her bedroom
as well as leaving her second bedroom alone ...
" - Mathijs

Mansion Expansion for Lucy!
" Or does she ... ? " - Mathijs

Mansion Expansion for Lucy!
" Lucy does enjoy her new setup.
Her second 'bedroom' is for treats only!
" - Mathijs

Mansion Expansion for Lucy!
" Need I say more ? " - Mathijs

Friday, December 31, 2010 Day 484 current treadmill total: 374,232.19 meters! (14:30 CET)

Makin' Lucy work for her treat...

During the Holiday Season, Lucy and I have been Loungin' it to tha Max!
Doing pretty much to nothin', while enjoying eachothers company,
as well as eating well.
Therefore it's time to set Lucy to (physical-) work:

Makin' Lucy work for her treat...
" As soon as Lucy attempted to grab this wallnut piece,
I slowely moved it up... while shooting photographs,
giving Lucy a true workout along the way...
" - Mathijs

Makin' Lucy work for her treat...
" I GOT IT, Dude ... !!! " - Lucy

Makin' Lucy work for her treat...
" Stop it Dude !
I told you I got it...
" - Lucy

Makin' Lucy work for her treat...
" I am bracing myself Dude; you will let go ! (right?) " - Lucy

Of course Lucy, I thought you needed a nice strech ...
( I vaguely replied )

Makin' Lucy work for her treat...
" Phhhhhh-ine-a-ly ! " - Lucy

Makin' Lucy work for her treat...
" Getting back down safely is an underestimated art! " - Lucy

[ Technical detail: This photoshoot took only 40 seconds (from 8:57:21PM to 8:58:01PM) to shoot! ]
Blogging it, took a bit longer :)

This was the last post of 2010!
See you again in 2011!

We hope you'll have a wonderfull 2011 !

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 Day 482 current treadmill total: 374,170.38 meters! (15:05 CET)

Serving the Quick and Easy 'Happy Holidays Snack'

Yesterday (see below) I showed how I made a quick and easy snack for Lucy to enjoy.

After I posted that, Lucy woke up; eager for breakfast:

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" I placed the treat, as well as Lucy herself,
on the coffee-table...
Lucy initially ignored it ...
" - Mathijs

So I called for Lucy's attention:

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" Dude, what's that ? " - Lucy

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" Smells nice ... " - Lucy

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" Pine-Seeds !!! " - Lucy

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" The bowl is nice too... " - Lucy

Before I could yell; "Be Carefull Lucy ",
Lucy already flipped the bowl !

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" I LOOOOOOVE this bowl Dude!
I hope you don't want it back...
" - Lucy

It took only a few more minutes for Lucy to pouch all.

Another successful treat!

More recipes: Cookin' 4 Lucy,
or in my book Happy Hamster, available @ Amazon or from my publisher Chronicle Books.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Day 481 current treadmill total: 374,088.88 meters! (18:50 CET)

Quick and Easy 'Happy Holidays Snack' 4 Lucy

While having fun with my camera, I was thinking about a snack, one for Lucy, that is.
I came up with this easy and healthy snack
for your hamster to enjoy,
while watching a movie together ...

Quick and Easy 'Happy Holidays Snack' 4 Lucy.
" Decide on the best bowl... by choosing the 'furthest outstanding'-blob ... " - Mathijs

I hope this is clear ...
which I (seriously) doubt ...
therefore I made some more photographs for you to explore

Quick and Easy 'Happy Holidays Snack' 4 Lucy.
" Make a cut, keeping the desired bowl in mind... " - Mathijs

Quick and Easy 'Happy Holidays Snack' 4 Lucy.
" Most crucial cut done ... Time to admire !!! " - Mathijs

Quick and Easy 'Happy Holidays Snack' 4 Lucy.
" Cut out your best bowl available!
(I picked the middle one ... it was the deepest!)
" - Mathijs

Quick and Easy 'Happy Holidays Snack' 4 Lucy.
" From the bottom cut a slice; providing a solid- & flat-bottom! " - Mathijs

Observent viewers might have notice that I've used my

This is actually a photography trick;
Using a few second exposurel I removed the knife after a second or two!

Note: All the carves and colors in the wood continue 'through' this (solid) knife!

Quick and Easy 'Happy Holidays Snack' 4 Lucy.
" Cut bowl to size, then
Fill with 'chuck loads of' Pine-Seeds...
" - Mathijs

Waiting for Lucy, to serve this...

I'll report on Lucy's findings about this snack tomorrow!

More recipes: Cookin' 4 Lucy,
or in my book Happy Hamster, available @ Amazon or from my publisher Chronicle Books.

Sunday, December 26, 2010 Day 479 current treadmill total: 373,948.03 meters! (12:10 CET)

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes!

Did you know it's actually 2nd Christmas day here in the Netherlands?
Lucy is all excited about it:

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" You've said it all in this post-title, Dude! " - Lucy

We are experiencing a true white Christmas this year!!!
So I got my camera to do some (evening-) shooting:

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" A 10 second photograph!
Note the red line in the left bottom corner; it's a car that drove by!
Also the sun is actaully a streetlight (there are two if you look close)...
" - Mathijs

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" I wanna see that too !!! " - Lucy

The next photograph (friday morning),
shows that it had snowed AGAIN:

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" A 30 second exposure shot... " - Mathijs

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" Another 30 second exposure shot, about half an hour later.
(I just finished sweeping... while it was still snowing...)
" - Mathijs

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" 9 hours later, I shot this (again) 30 second exposure shot, now in daylight... " - Mathijs

Isn't it amazing how color changes through out the day ?

Happy Holidays, dear HamsterTracker-Dudes and -Dudettes !
" Hand Taxi, Dude!
I wanna see this myself...
" - Lucy

I let Lucy climb on my hand after which I showed her outside (through the window of course).
We then had some Pine-Seeds and talked untill late ...

Happy Holidays to all !

From Lucy and Mathijs

Saturday, December 18, 2010 Day 471 current treadmill total: 373,652.34 meters! (17:45 CET)

The winter weather at HamsterTracker ...

I don't know about you, but I personally notice that I sleep deeper and longer,
in this winter season.

Appearently Lucy does notice it as well:

The winter weather at HamsterTracker ...
" Dude, look outside;
the sky is experiencing serious dandruff !!!
" - Lucy

Lucy was right; (I explained that) it was currently snowing;
this is when I got out my camera, setting the flash to MAX:

The winter weather at HamsterTracker ...
" Looks almost like a 'Hubble-Telescope'-photograph, doesn't it? " - Mathijs

Experimenting, while outside in the snow,
I continued photographing,
using different settings
( these are all full color photos against a pitch black sky):

The winter weather at HamsterTracker ...
" Looks a bit like a 'Microscope-cellular-thing', wouldn't you agree ? " - Mathijs

Here's the final shot (best selection of many photographs I made):

The winter weather at HamsterTracker ...
" Once,
far away,
in another galaxy,
... Lucy ! ...
... I AM your FATHER ! :-)
" - Mathijs

Sorry for getting carried away a little bit.

I did show Lucy these photographs,
here's her response:

The winter weather at HamsterTracker ...
" So that's why I always feel sleepy ...
There are stars out there whether you have your eyes open OR closed !
" - Lucy

That acually does make sense, Lucy !
(or doesn't it ? ... )

Tuesday, December 12, 2010 Day 465 current treadmill total: 373,204.91 meters! (18:15 CET)

A Trick on Lucy ...

As you can read below, Lucy has pulled some tricks on me ...
It's a sort of 'Pay Back'- time...

A Trick on Lucy ...('pay back'-Time!)
" When Lucy was on the couch with me,
I put the just replaced enterance-tube
on the couch for her to explore!
(Note this is the dirty one I just replaced ...
" - Mathijs

Lucy went in there... possibly expecting her bedroom to be attached ...

A Trick on Lucy ...('pay back'-Time!)
" It smells FAMILIAR & OK,
" - Lucy

A Trick on Lucy ...('pay back'-Time!)
" You are joking, right ? " - Lucy

A Trick on Lucy ...('pay back'-Time!)
" Where's my beautifull bedroom ? " - Lucy

I then explained that I've replaced it,
with all, nice and clean tubes and bedding...

A Trick on Lucy ...('pay back'-Time!)
" Please don't EVER SCARE me like that again, Dude ... " - Lucy

" I appoligized, of course ...
counting (left over) Pine-Seeds, as you read this ...
" - Mathijs

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 Day 460 current treadmill total: 372,913.22 meters! (16:10 CET)

Another Lucy Trick ...

I am getting to know Lucy a bit better by the day...

Another Lucy Trick ...
" You're thinking that I am up to somethin' right ? " - Lucy

Another Lucy Trick ...
" You're thinking I might go up there, right ? " - Lucy

Another Lucy Trick ...
" Don't worry, I will not!
Because you told me not to do that ...
" - Lucy

A split second past:

Another Lucy Trick ...
" Later ... Dude !!! " - Lucy

I am searchin' for her as you read this ... :-)

I am learning more each day!

Sunday, December 5, 2010 Day 458 current treadmill total: 372,696.81 meters! (16:10 CET)

Some Treats for Lucy

Lucy generally wakes up every time I open her front door to her mansion.

Treats for my hamster Lucy.
" By offering a nice yoghurt-Treat... " - Mathijs

Treats for my hamster Lucy.
" It takes Lucy only seconds to appear! " - Mathijs

Lucy pouched it within tens of a second,
and returned to her bedroom, to store.
Once she got back I had another treat for her:

Treats for my hamster Lucy.
" Is that a microphone, Dude ? " - Lucy

Lucy pouched her microphone treat,
and again returned to her bedroom to store this ...
It took only ten seconds for Lucy to return:

Treats for my hamster Lucy.
" I made Lucy reach for this piece of wallnut ... " - Mathijs

Again, Lucy ran back and forth to her bedroom, to un-pouch...
When she returned she complained:

Treats for my hamster Lucy.
" You're making me crazy with all that back and fourth stuff !
I have been workin' hard, you know !
" - Lucy

Treats for my hamster Lucy.
" HAND-TAXI, Dude !!!
Now YOU work for me, right ?
" - Lucy

We are enjoying quality time on the couch, as you're reading this !

Please, continue to: Scroll down... your chance to win a free copy of my book 'Happy Hamster'

Monday, November 29, 2010 Day 452 current treadmill total: 372,323.00 meters! (20:10 CET)

Bedroom Clean Chores!

Lucy's bedroom was (like every week) in a desparate state of cleaning-need ...

Lucy's, much needed, Bedroom Clean Chores!
" Lucy's bedroom is now all ok;
Fresh toilet-paper snippets,
as well as some nice 'pillow-treats'
" - Mathijs

Lucy's, much needed, Bedroom Clean Chores!
" Lucy discards treats in her bathroom,
which are smelly (to her) as well as being a bit 'moulded'...

She is so sensible as well as smart !
" - Mathijs

Lucy's, much needed, Bedroom Clean Chores!
" All installed and ready to go...
Lucy was enjoying time in her explorer ball, when I made the switch.
" - Mathijs

Just seconds after Lucy returned to her mansion,
she went to her bedroom, to check up on that HUGE-pillow-treat:

Lucy's, much needed, Bedroom Clean Chores!
" That's heavy ... Dude ! " - Lucy

Lucy's, much needed, Bedroom Clean Chores!
" Although ... very ... very ... niiiiice !!! " - Lucy

Lucy had a few nibbles after which she inspected her
super clean bathroom as well as a nice
peanut treat in her food bowl...

Lucy's, much needed, Bedroom Clean Chores!
" I go NUTS for PEAnuts, DUDE! " - Lucy

Please, continue to: Scroll down... your chance to win a free copy of my book 'Happy Hamster'

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Continue reading in News Archive 44


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ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw
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