© Copyright 2005, Peacoque Labs

Background; HamsterTracker™ Design; Powersupply

HamsterTracker™ Powersupply

Here are some pictures of the powersupply that is used by the system. It converts 220-230 AC to a stable 5 Volts DC, using the famous 78C05 chip!

The fan was already installed in the casing, so I thought it would be a nice feature for the HamsterTracker™ system to be able to be cooled by force.

Remember the system draws an aproximate 100 mA (!)

I've also made a video of the first powerup test!
Check it out!
Close up picture of the HamsterTracker(tm) Powersupply

Close up picture of the HamsterTracker(tm) Powersupply

You can't take to many pictures of a project of this magnitude. Another close up picture of the HamsterTracker(tm) Powersupply

Close up picture of the HamsterTracker(tm) Powersupply

This is the final construction of the HamsterTracker™ system hardware at this time of writing. Close up picture of the HamsterTracker(tm) Powersupply

Close up picture of the HamsterTracker(tm) Powersupply Close up picture of the HamsterTracker(tm) Powersupply

© Copyright 1994 - 2008, Peacoque Labs
ing. Mathijs A. van der Paauw